These are common materials also known as single pass materials. Two-sided variants (backface not culled) are indicated by Two suffix at the name.
Type | Description |
DcDt | Diffuse color + Diffuse texture |
DcDtEc | Diffuse color + Diffuse texture + Emission color |
DcDtOcOt | Diffuse color + Diffuse texture + Opacity color + Opacity texture |
DcDtEcOcOt | Diffuse color + Diffuse texture + Emission color + Opacity color + Opacity texture |
DcDtEt | Diffuse color + Diffuse texture + Emission texture |
EcEt | Emission color + Emission texture |
DcDtTwo | Two-sided variant of DcDt |
DcDtEcTwo | Two-sided variant of DcDtEc |
DcDtOcOtTwo | Two-sided variant of DcDtOcOt |
DcDtEcOcOtTwo | Two-sided variant of DcDtEcOcOt |
Material uses vertex color for texture tint and adds vertex alpha to transparency of diffuse texture provided it’s in DXT5 format. Cannot be animated.
Type | Description |
Nebula | Diffuse texture tinted by vertex color with blending (ADD, SRCALPHA, ONE) |
NebulaTwo | Two-sided variant of Nebula. |
Translucent shader effect with environment mapping applied. Cannot be animated.
Type | Description |
NomadMaterial | |
NomadMaterialNoBendy |
Game defaults to this material if material referenced cannot be found in material library.
Type | Description |
NullMaterial | Plain transparent. |